We are so very excited about Homecoming Week. We have discussed the special dress days, parade, Friday's lunch options, and early dismissal. Our afternoon dismissal on Monday may be delayed about five minutes due to our pep rally at 2:30. Please be sure to visit the Trinity website and the quick link regarding Homecoming. I showed the children this information.
Monday: Crayon Day- dress in one color
Tuesday: Book Character Day
Wednesday: Crazy Hair and Hat Day
Thursday: College t-shirt Day with uniform bottom and shoes
Friday: HOMECOMING or Trinity issued t-shirt, long jeans or uniform bottoms
Parent conference day is Friday, October 28th. I hope you've had a chance to look at the tentative schedule that was included in the report card. You may swap times with anyone, take any of the free spaces, or request another day and time. Please let me know if changes have been made.
Bible - Lesson 9, Genesis 22:1-19; 24, "Isaac's Birth, Sacrifice, and Marriage"
Spelling- Unit 10 Test on Thursday
Language- Unit 2, singular and plural possessive nouns
Reading - Wanted Mud Blossom, skills: noting details, compare/contrast
Math - Chapter 4, pages 58-65
Science - Please send your child to school with a piece of poster board. They may choose the color. They will be designing and creating their imaginary animal posters in class. This imaginary animal will be the basis of their "pumpkin" which they will make at home. The decorated pumpkins are due Oct. 31st.
Alabama History - Chapter 4, Historic Indians