Friday, November 11, 2011

Week of Nov. 14th - 18th

Dear Parents, 

I hope you're enjoying this long weekend.  These cooler days do make it seem like Thanksgiving is almost here.  It will be Christmas before we turn around.  I want to remind you that the children will wear pioneer clothes the day they return to school after Christmas.  

I have been encouraging the children to practice their math facts and have added a new link under the math category.  Look for the link to as an additional site for individualized practice.

Thank you for sending your children to me.  I am thankful for the time we have together.

Bible- We'll finish Lesson 11, and begin Lesson 12. We're learning the names of Jacob's 12 sons.
Spelling - Unit 14 Test on Thursday
Language - Unit 3, Verbs, pages 104-107
Reading - Soccer Shock
Math - Chapter 5 Test on Friday
Science - Test on Digestive System and Respiratory System on Wednesday
Alabama History- Chapter 5, Spanish and French explorers