Dear Parents,
I hope you saw the paper about the wax museum. The children are very excited! They know their character and have at least one source of information. Writing the short speech and assembling the costume should be done at home. The children will present in class on Friday May 9th, and will present to a few lower elementary classes on the morning of May 15th. Parents may visit the wax museum at 2:00 on May 15th. I will be talking to them about maintaining a stance, and the importance of remaining in character.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Bible - Lesson 28, Joshua 9-10, "A Trick and a Miracle"
Spelling - Unit 34, Test on Thursday
Language - Unit 7, Adverbs, pages 242-251
Reading - Blue
Math - Complete chapter 20 (fractions), begin chapter 17 (geometry)
Science - Daily grade on Tuesday, Unit F, Chapter 15, Lessons 3 and 4
Alabama History - Chapter 9 Test on Friday (Civil War)