Friday, December 30, 2011

Week of January 4th - 6th

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to beginning a new year.
The children will return to school on Wednesday Jan. 4th, dressed as pioneers, and I'm anxious to see them.  Please email me if you have any questions about a pioneer outfit.  During these first days back, our schedule will have to be more flexible, as we will be engaging in pioneer activities.

Bible - Lesson 14, "Joseph Honors Jacob"
Spelling - no test this week
Language - begin study of adjectives, Unit 4
Reading - Trouble River, a pioneer adventure
Math - begin chapter 12, multiplication, timed test on Friday
Science - begin study of skeletal system
Alabama History - pioneers, 130-142

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Week of Dec. 12th - 16th

We are ready for Christmas!
You could feel the excitement in the air on Thursday, when we wore our Christmas colors.  We enjoyed the day and raised money for a wonderful cause.

Here are some dates to remember:

Thursday, Dec. 15th- Christmas party- 2:00-3:00
Friday, Dec. 16th-      4th graders lead lower school in singing Christmas carols-10:00
                                   Students wear a red or white uniform shirt and Christmas hat.
Wednesday, Jan. 4th- Students return to school dressed as a pioneer.

Bible-Memorization of Luke 2:8-14, due Tuesday, Dec. 13th- fill-in-the-blanks
Spelling- Unit 17, Test on Thursday
Language- Unit 3, verbs, Test on Tuesday
Reading- Trouble River
Math- Chapter 7, telling time
Science- Muscular system
Alabama History- Complete chapter 5, daily grades, no test on this chapter  
                              Dismissal at 11:30

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Week of Dec. 5th - 9th

Dear Parents,

This will be another busy week for us as we have two weeks until the end of this first semester.  Here's a look at some important dates to remember:
                                     Dec. 13th - last day for AR tests for this nine weeks
                                     Dec. 15th - 2:00-3:00 class Christmas party
                                     Dec. 16th - fourth graders lead the lower school in singing carols
                                     Dec. 16th - dismissal at 11:30 for Christmas Holidays

Students will return to school on Wednesday, Jan. 4th, and wear their pioneer costumes.

Looking at the week ahead-

Bible - memory work - Luke 2:1-7, due Dec. 6th, Luke 2:8-14 should be memorized by Dec. 13th. This will be a fill-in-the-blank.
Spelling - Unit 16, Test on Thursday
Language - finish Unit 3, verbs- I have decided not to give this test until Tuesday, Dec. 13th.  This is a change from what I announced to the children on Friday.
Reading - Soccer Shock
Math - Chapter 6 Test on Tuesday
Science - Test on Circulatory System on Wednesday
Alabama History - British explorers

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week of Nov. 28th - Dec. 2nd

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with family and friends.  I am thankful for the time I have with your children and the opportunity to be their teacher.

Bible - Finish Lesson 12, Recite Jacob's 12 Sons on Thursday, Dec. 1
Spelling - Lesson 15, Test on Thursday
Language - Verbs, Unit 3
Reading - Soccer Schock, skills: story structure, noting details
Math - Chapter 6, "Analyze and Graph Data"
Science - Circulatory System
Alabama History - French Explorers

Friday, November 11, 2011

Week of Nov. 14th - 18th

Dear Parents, 

I hope you're enjoying this long weekend.  These cooler days do make it seem like Thanksgiving is almost here.  It will be Christmas before we turn around.  I want to remind you that the children will wear pioneer clothes the day they return to school after Christmas.  

I have been encouraging the children to practice their math facts and have added a new link under the math category.  Look for the link to as an additional site for individualized practice.

Thank you for sending your children to me.  I am thankful for the time we have together.

Bible- We'll finish Lesson 11, and begin Lesson 12. We're learning the names of Jacob's 12 sons.
Spelling - Unit 14 Test on Thursday
Language - Unit 3, Verbs, pages 104-107
Reading - Soccer Shock
Math - Chapter 5 Test on Friday
Science - Test on Digestive System and Respiratory System on Wednesday
Alabama History- Chapter 5, Spanish and French explorers

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Week of Nov. 7th - 11th

I really enjoyed the field trip to Ft. Toulouse and hope you did.  The weather couldn't have been better and the presenters were in full force.  I hope the children enjoyed the experience and learned something in the process.

This will be another short week, as Friday, Nov. 11th is a holiday.  It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  Isn't there a saying about time flying when you're having fun?

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Bible - Lesson 11, Genesis 29;31-33, "Jacob Becomes Israel"
Spelling - Unit 13, Test on Thursday
Language - Unit 3, helping verbs and verb tense, pages 98- 101
Reading - Theme 1 skills, story structure, author's point of view, noting details
Math -  begin chapter 5
Science - Respiratory System
Alabama History - begin chapter 5, Spanish explorers

Animal Pumpkins Galore

I hope you were able to see the pumpkins and posters on display this week.  They certainly had everyone in school excited.  Please look at the Trinity home page and enjoy the slideshow. I showed it to the children and they would probably enjoy seeing it again.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week of Oct. 31st - Nov. 4th

Dear Parents,

I enjoyed meeting with you and having a face to face conversation about your child.  You have given me insight that will help me in the classroom.  Please let me know if you ever have concerns, or need further clarification, about any issue.  The education of your child, at its best, is truly a partnership.  

This coming week will  be another busy one.  I probably say that every week, but it's true.  Fourth graders are an active group.  The pumpkins are due on Monday.  If you are able, please come inside this week and have a look.  I'm always amazed!  The children are usually very proud when the finished product is their own work.  

Our Ft. Toulouse field trip is this Friday, Nov. 4th.  We will leave the school after lunch, about 12:00.  I hope we have nice weather and you enjoy the afternoon.  If you have never been to Frontier Days, it is a treat.  When you see the area with the presenters and hear the cannons firing, it is almost a glimpse back in time.  

I look forward to seeing you on Friday, if not before. 

Bible - Finish Lesson 10, begin Lesson 11, Genesis 29;31-33, "Jacob Becomes Israel"

Spelling - Unit 12 Test on Thursday, I will give the children a list of 25 words, from the unit, on Monday.  I have already entered those 25 words on

Language - begin Unit 3, verbs
Reading - finish Wanted Mud Blossom, using the basal series to teach skills: story structure, author's point of view- We will also reflect on the trade books we have already read, to identify story structure and author's point of view in those books.

Math - Chapter 4 Test on Wednesday, begin chapter 5, "Collect and Organize Data"
Science - review digestive system and begin study of respiratory system.  Words related to the study of these systems are on
Alabama History - Chapter 4 Test on Friday  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Homecoming Week 2011

We began the week by dressing in one color.  We were bright and comfortable.  Who is that on the far right of the top row?


Tuesday was "Book Character Day."  We really had some stories to tell!
Everyone cheered for their favorite college team.

It looks like the boys have been reading some good books.  

Friday, October 21, 2011

Week of Oct. 24th - 28th

This was a great week!  Homecoming certainly added a higher level of energy to each day, and I really enjoyed seeing the children in their outfits.  We had a good time being together,  enjoying the moments, and making memories.  

The children also worked hard this week on their animal posters.  They should use these ideas to decorate their pumpkin.  The pumpkins are due Oct. 31st.

This coming week will be a short week, as Friday is the day for parent conferences.  I look forward to seeing you then. 

Bible - Lesson 10, Genesis 25:27-34; 27-28, "Jacob the Deceiver"
Spelling - Unit 11, Test on Thursday
Language - Unit 2 Test 2 on Wednesday
Reading - Wanted Mud Blossom, skills: compare/contrast, making judgments
Math - Chapter 4, pages 64-71
Science - digestive and respiratory systems, pages 168-173 
Alabama History - Chapter 4, "Historic Indians"

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week of Oct. 17th - 21st

We are so very excited about Homecoming Week.  We have discussed the special dress days, parade, Friday's lunch options, and early dismissal.  Our afternoon dismissal on Monday may be delayed about five minutes due to our pep rally at 2:30.  Please be sure to visit the Trinity website and the quick link regarding Homecoming.  I showed the children this information.
                Monday: Crayon Day- dress in one color
                Tuesday: Book Character Day
                Wednesday: Crazy Hair and Hat Day
                Thursday: College t-shirt Day with uniform bottom and shoes
                Friday: HOMECOMING or Trinity issued t-shirt, long jeans or uniform bottoms 

Parent conference day is Friday, October 28th.  I hope you've had a chance to look at the tentative schedule that was included in the report card.  You may swap times with anyone, take any of the free spaces, or request another day and time.  Please let me know if changes have been made.

Bible - Lesson 9, Genesis 22:1-19; 24, "Isaac's Birth, Sacrifice, and Marriage"
Spelling- Unit 10 Test on Thursday
Language- Unit 2, singular and plural possessive nouns
Reading - Wanted Mud Blossom, skills: noting details, compare/contrast
Math - Chapter 4, pages 58-65
Science - Please send your child to school with a piece of poster board.  They may choose the color.  They will be designing and creating their imaginary animal posters in class.  This imaginary animal will be the basis of their "pumpkin" which they will make at home.  The decorated pumpkins are due Oct. 31st.
Alabama History - Chapter 4, Historic Indians

Monday, October 10, 2011

Friday's Fun

We had a great time on our field trip.  We ate lunch first and so did the ducks.  They were really glad to see us.  Our tour of the art museum was informative.  Our docent did a good job of showing us works by artists from Alabama, and relating the information on our fourth grade level.  

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Week of Oct. 10th - 14th

Dear Parents, 

We enjoyed the beautiful days this week as we came to the end of our first nine weeks.  The final averages will be shown on the grade sheet in Tuesday's signed papers.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

We really enjoyed the field trip on Friday and look forward to our field trip on Tuesday, Oct. 11th.  Our field trip to Ft. Toulouse is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 4th.  The field trip to Ft. Toulouse is not limited to fathers.  Any adult is invited to accompany their child.  You will receive more information about this field trip.

Homecoming is Friday, Oct. 21st, and we will be participating in "theme days" during the week.  Please see the Trinity homepage and quick links for more information.

You will receive information in the folders about the decorated pumpkin the children will bring to school at the end of October.  This pumpkin will be decorated as an animal that the children will "invent" in class.  The pumpkins may be real or artificial, but small enough for your fourth grader to carry.  The pumpkin/animal will be done at home.  PLEASE DON"T CARVE THE PUMPKIN.  

I hope you enjoy the long weekend.

Now for the upcoming week:

Bible - Lesson 8, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah- This will be read from a Bible story book.
Spelling - Unit 9, Test on Thursday
Language - Unit 2, pages 73-77, plural nouns and singular possessive nouns
Reading - Wanted Mud Blossom
Math - Begin chapter 4, "Algebra: Use Addition and Subtraction" (see note below)
Science - Begin chapter 4, "The Human Body"
Alabama History - Begin chapter 4, "Historic Indians"


Students should have quick recall of their addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts.  This means not having to rely on their fingers to calculate the answers.  Repeated practice with flash cards will help in faster recall of the basic facts.  I have added a new math link on this blog that will provide timed practice of facts.  It is a link to  We will soon begin timed tests of basic facts.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Week of Oct. 3rd - 7th

We worked hard this week, learned new skills, and finished the week with our compliment party.  Our compliment chain reached the floor this week and it was time to celebrate.  I had fun and I hope the children did.  It pays to work hard and follow directions!

Looking ahead: Oct. 5th- last day to meet A.R. requirement for the first nine weeks.
                          Oct. 7th- last day of first nine weeks
                                       - field trip to Museum of Art                     
                          Oct.10th- school holiday
                          Oct. 11th- field trip to Alabama Archives
                          Oct. 13th- report cards go home
                          Homecoming Week- You will receive information from the office
                                                      concerning these days.
                          Oct. 28th - Parent Conference Day
                          Nov. 4th- Ft. Toulouse Field Trip

Bible - Lesson 7, Genesis 11:26-31; 12-13
Spelling - Unit 8, Test on Thurs.
Language - singular and plural nouns, pages 70-73
Reading - Wanted Mud Blossom, skills:making judgments, reading fluently
Math - Chapter 3 Test on Wed.
Science - Chapter 3, Test on Friday
Alabama History- writing prehistoric time traveling story

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week of Sept. 26th- 30th

I hope everyone enjoyed the Fall Festival.  I think it was a great way to end a week of ITBS testing.  Next week we will try to return to our routine.  We have two weeks left in this nine weeks.  The deadline for the A.R. requirements is Thursday, Oct.7th, at 3:00.  

We'll be making arrowheads out of soap, so start sending in small travel size bars.  If you don't have any hotel soap around the house, a bar of Ivory works well.

Thank you for sending your children to me.  I hope you have a good weekend and enjoy the time with your family.

Here's a look at the week ahead.

Bible - Lesson 6, a review of lessons 1-5

Spelling - Unit 7, Test on Thursday
Language - Unit 2, pages 68-73, singular and plural nouns
Reading -  finish Dog Called Kitty, skills: making judgments, identifying story structure
Math - Chapter 3, add and subtract 4-digit numbers
Science - Chapter 3, animal adaptations
Alabama History - Chapter 3, prehistoric Indians, Test on Friday

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week of Sept. 19th - 23rd

We try to be flexible every week, but this week will require greater flexibility.  We will be taking the ITBS test from about 8:30 to 10:30 every day and Fall Festival is Friday from 2:00 to 3:00.  We will not have any tests this week, not even in Spelling.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the cooler weather.  Feels like football weather to me!

Bible - Genesis 6-8; 9:1-19, "The Flood"
Language - Unit 2, nouns
Reading - Dog Called Kitty, skills: fact/opinion, making judgments
Math - begin Chapter 3, add and subtract greater numbers
Science - Chapter 3, Lessons 1 & 2, animal adaptations
Alabama History - Chapter 3, Woodland and Mississippian cultures

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week of Sept. 12th - 16th

This has been a short but good week.  I am proud of the children's hard work!  Give them a hug for me.  Be looking for the midterm report in Monday's signed papers.

On Thursday, Sept. 15th, the children may wear a Trinity t-shirt, uniform bottom, and any shoes they choose for a donation of $2.00.  You can learn more about this on the Trinity website.

Bible - Genesis 4 and 5
Spelling - Unit 5, homophones, Test on Thursday
Language - Unit 1 Test on Tuesday, begin Unit 2
Reading - Dog Called Kitty, skills: sequencing, fact/opinion
Math - rounding, Chapter 2 Test on Friday
Science - Chapter 1 (Lessons 1,2, and 3) Test on Wednesday
Alabama History - Chapter 3,  Prehistoric Indians

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week of Sept. 6th - 9th

This was a busy week!  We had school pictures, Mrs. Satcher came to our class, we went to the MacLab, had our first test in Alabama History and Math.  Yes, school is in full swing!

I hope all of you have a good weekend.  Remember that Monday is a school holiday.

Bible - Genesis 3 and Genesis 4
Spelling - Unit 4, Test on Friday because of the 4 day school week
Language - Unit 1, pages 44-47, simple subjects and simple predicates
Reading - Begin Dog Called Kitty, skill: sequencing
Math - Chapter 2, comparing and ordering numbers
Alabama History - Chapter 3, "Prehistoric Indians"
Science - animal classification, pages 76-81

Friday, August 26, 2011

Week of August Aug. 29th - Sept. 2nd

This was a good week!  We have adjusted to our schedule and are diving into fourth grade work.  We had our first chapel this week and Mrs. Shelley's encouraged us to be peacemakers.  

Some dates to remember are: Wednesday, August 31st - individual school pictures
                                               Monday, September 5th - school holiday

Each nine weeks the students will be required to read 3 AR books on their independent reading level.  They have taken the STAR test to determine their starting level.  At the end of each nine weeks, their top three AR scores will be averaged and counted as one daily grade.  Please encourage your child to continue reading, even after they have met this requirement.  They should read twenty minutes daily.  Everyone needs to read, read, read.

Bible - Lesson 2, Creation Week, daily grade on Tuesday, begin Lesson 3
Spelling - Unit 3, long and short i, Test on Thurs.
Language - Unit 1, subject/predicate, simple subject, pages 40-42
Reading - finish Boys Start the War, skills: cause/effect, sequencing
Math - Chapter 1 Test on Fri.
Science - Unit 1, Chapter 1, Lesson 2, plant classification
Alabama History - Chapter 1 Test on Wed., includes outline, 3 maps, and pages 3-14 in the textbook

Friday, August 19, 2011

Week of August 22nd - 26th

I'm enjoying getting to know your children and watching the class come together.  We're adjusting to the fourth grade schedule, working, and having fun.  They look like a good group to me!

Looking ahead, individual school pictures will be taken on August 31st.

Bible - Lesson 2, Genesis 1-2, "The Creation"
Spelling - Unit 2, Test on Thursday
Language - Unit 1, subjects and predicates
Reading - The Boys Start the War, skills: cause/effect, sequencing
Math - Chapter 1, standard form, expanded form, word form and spelling math words
Science - Unit A, Chapter 1, Lesson 1, classification- We're making note cards.
Alabama History - Chapter 1, regions of Alabama- We're completing an outline together.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Week of August 15th - 19th

I am really enjoying getting to know your children and can tell we are going to have a great year together.  We are already laughing and learning together.

I will update this blog on a weekly basis in order to keep you informed of tentative plans for the upcoming week.  The children will also note any tests on a calendar in their assignment book.

I hope you have a good weekend and enjoy the time with your family.

Bible - Lesson 1 (pages 7-9) daily grade on Wed.
            Books of Old Testament- identify correct order on Fri.
Spelling - Unit 1 Test on Thurs. (basic and challenge words)
Language - Unit 1, four types of sentences, proofreading sentences
Reading - Boys Start the War, skills: sequencing, cause/effect
Math - Chapter 1, Lessons 2-4, place value through millions
Science - Unit A, Chapter 1, Lesson 1, "How Are Living Things Classified?"
Alabama History - Chapter 1, pages 8-14 and using maps and globes

Monday, August 8, 2011

Welcome to Mrs. Anderson's Fourth Grade 2011-2012

It's time for school to begin and I'm ready!  I'm eager to meet all of you and begin our year.  I will be posting weekly assignments here and you might also find pictures.  See you soon!